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== Config changes made in 1.9.3 ==
== Config changes made in 1.9.3 ==
* None.
== Config changes made in 1.9.4 ==
* None.
* None.

Revision as of 14:38, 12 November 2022

Config changes made in 1.9.0

  • Added additional net-types for freenode, Quakenet, and Rizon (net-type)
## What is your network?
## Options are:
##   EFnet
##   IRCnet
##   Undernet
##   DALnet
##   Libera
##   freenode
##   QuakeNet
##   Rizon
##   Twitch (This requires twitch.mod to be loaded as well)
##   Other  (This is a good, sane default option to use if your network/ircd is
##          not listed here. Additional configuration options for this setting
##          can be found further down in the IRC MODULE section)
set net-type "EFnet"
  • Added SASL configuration settings
#### CAP Features ####
# This section controls IRCv3 capabilities supported natively by Eggdrop. You
# can enable individual settings here to be requested as part of the
# registration process with the IRC server. Not all servers support all CAP
# features. maintains a list of some
# popular servers, and you can also use '.tcl cap available' from the partyline
# to list capabilities available on that server.
# SASL is a method that allows Eggdrop to authenticate with a NickServ service
# as part of the connection process to a server, eliminating the need to later
# authenticate via a /msg command.
# To request SASL authentication via CAP, set this to 1
#set sasl 0
# Set SASL mechanism to authenticate with.
# Options are:
#   0 = PLAIN                       (normal user/pass exchange, only encrypted
#                                    if connected to the IRC server with a
#                                    SSL/TLS connection)
#   1 = ECDSA-NIST256P-CHALLENGE    (Uses a certificate; usually requires a
#                                    public key to be registered with NickServ
#                                    or other similar service. Set certificate
#                                    to use in sasl-ecdsa-key setting below)
#   2 = EXTERNAL                    (Some other method you set up. Certificates
#                                    used are defined in ssl-certificate and
#                                    ssl-privatekey settings in SSL section)
#set sasl-mechanism 0
# Set username to authenticate to IRC NickServ with
#set sasl-username "llamabot"
# Set password to authenticate to IRC NickServ with
#set sasl-password "password"
# Specify the location of certificate to use for the SASL
# ecdsa-nist256p-challenge. An ECDSA certificate can be generated with the
# command:
#   openssl ecparam -genkey -name prime256v1 -out eggdrop-ecdsa.pem
#set sasl-ecdsa-key "eggdrop-ecdsa.pem"
# Set SASL failure action
# If SASL authentication fails, do you want to connect to the server anyway?
# Set to this to 0 to disconnect and retry until success, or 1 to continue
# connecting to the server without SASL authentication.
#set sasl-continue 1
# Timeout (in seconds) before giving up SASL authentication
#set sasl-timeout 15
  • Added ability to choose specific SSL/TLS protocols to use (ssl-protocols)
# Specify the list of protocols allowed for use with ssl. The protocol list is
# one or more protocol strings separated by spaces. Available protocols are
# SSLv2, SSLv3, TLSv1, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2, TLSv1.3.
# set ssl-protocols "TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3" 
  • Added ability to allow bots to remain linked if userfile sharing fails (sharefail-unlink)
# By default, Eggdrop will abort the linking process if userfile sharing is
# enabled but the userfile transfer fails. Set this to 0 to keep the bots
# linked if the userfile transfer fails and retry every minute (both bots must
# be v1.9.0 or higher).
#set sharefail-unlink 1
  • Changed the method Eggdrop uses to add servers from a {} list to the new addserver command
# This is the bot's server list. The bot will start at the first server listed,
# and cycle through them whenever it gets disconnected. You need to change these
# servers to YOUR network's servers.
# The format is:
#   server add <server> [port [password]]
# Prefix the port with a plus sign to attempt a SSL connection:
#   server add <server> +port [password]
# This format is new as of version 1.9.0. The previous method using
# set servers {} will still work for now, but is deprecated and will be removed
# in a future release.
server add 6667
server add 6669 password
server add 2001:db8:618:5c0:263:: 6669 password
server add +7000
  • Added CAP settings
# To request the account-notify feature via CAP, set this to 1
#set account-notify 0
# To request the invite-notify feature via CAP, set this to 1
#set invite-notify 0
# To request the message-tags feature via CAP, set this to 1. NOTE: Enabling
# this feature may interfere with RAW binds in scripts.
#set message-tags 0
# If you have any additional CAP features you would like to request at
# registration but are not listed above, set them here as space separated
# strings. Setting features here does not guarantee Eggdrop's ability to support
# these them.
#set cap-request "feature1 feature2 feature3"
  • Removed the listen-addr command. The listen command now accepts an optional IP argument in lieu of using listen-addr
# To bind the listening port to a specific IP instead of all available, insert
# a valid IP assigned to the host Eggdrop is running on infront of the port
# (this replaces the listen-addr setting used prior to Eggdrop v1.9)
#   listen 3333 all
  • Added the show-uname setting, which allows you to disable the display of uname info for the host system in things like .status
# Disable this setting if you do not want to show name and release level of the
# operating system. You'll probably also want to edit the default motd (in
# text/motd) and remove its display from there.
set show-uname 1

Config changes made in 1.9.1

  • Added Libera to accepted server types

Config changes made in 1.9.2

  • Added the 'extended-join' setting, to enable the extended-join CAP capability
# To request the account-notify feature via CAP, set this to 1
#set extended-join 0
  • Moved DNS-related settings out of the modules section and into the core config area
  • No longer load the (now-deprecated) DNS module by default

Config changes made in 1.9.3

  • None.

Config changes made in 1.9.4

  • None.